Sensus USA
Company manufactures meters, communication systems, and related products for electric, gas and water utilities.
Sensus was looking for ways to communicate its message to a broader audience and generate publicity on its growth in the water metering and AMI market share in the utility industry.
Scope Interactive embarked on an aggressive campaign to position Sensus as an expert, innovator and results-driven supplier to the utility industry. We focused on the various Sensus solutions that provide resource and capital conservation.
Our work was driven by the trade media and the manner in which our target audience consumed information. The effort included the concurrent work of both an aggressive media relations campaign as well as the development of new, relevant content.
Establishing relationships with editors was based on a superior level of trust. Trust that our content added value to their readers, and that we would deliver the content on time. In addition, we focused on developing case studies and by-lined articles. We worked closely with editors and their staff writers, in making our industry experts and utility customers available to them for insights on stories and industry trends.
The end result was that we were able to help turn a client that had virtually no public relations exposure into a well-published industry voice in all of the high-level industry publications.